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We ought to prioritise sustainable solutions including the need to skill up people to create enough jobs for others to feed into it.
Foster Awintiti Akugri, a Ghanaian, dynamic, and passionate IT Survey and the Founder of HACKLAB Foundation unveils that irrespective of the wide technological gap between the African continent and the first world countries, Africa has a greater chance and opportunity to leverage on the existing new technologies to transform the standards.
Observing Africa as one of the largest bank of problems in the world with unemployment becoming the trending issue today, He believes that “for every problem solved a business is created and for every business created job opportunities are generated”.
Even though there have been series of conferences and seminars organized to address the unemployment challenge in the country, very minimal acts are ensured to breach the gab.” We ought to prioritize sustainable solutions including the need to skill up people to create enough jobs for others to feed into it “, he said hence the founding of HACKLAB, with the goal of creating a balance between lack of job opportunities and lack of skills to feed the existing jobs.
HACKLAB started three years ago with the vision of advancing technology in Africa by focusing on developing the skills of people and its success has surpassed expectations as the skills of almost two thousand developers have been shaped to become entrepreneurs. Continue Here